If you can dream it, you can do it
dimarts, 14 de juny del 2016
I went to the Ins Castelló d'Empúries in 2012. I'm so nervous the first time that I went to high school. The previous night I thunk about every of my next experiencies, friends, and if I passed every of the subjects. Today, my experience in the high school is very good. I have a perfects friends and I pass every of the subjects. This June I'm graduate of the ESO. For me the ESO is dificult. You need perseverance and organization. Today my sacrifice have a reward and I so happy. After very exams, homeworks, tears... I'M GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!
diumenge, 5 de juny del 2016
When your legs don't work like they used to before
Quan les teves cames no funcionin como ho feien abans
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
I jo no pugui escombrar sota dels teus peus
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
La teva boca recordarà el gust del meu amor?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
Els teus ulls encara somriuran a les teves galtes?
Darling I will be loving you till we're seventy
Carinyo, jo t'estimaré fins que tinguem 70 anys
And baby my heart could still feel as hard at twenty three
And baby my heart could still feel as hard at twenty three
I carinyo el meu cor encara podría sentir com als 23 anys
And I'm thinking about how
And I'm thinking about how
I jo estic pensant com fer-ho
People fall in love in mysterious ways
People fall in love in mysterious ways
La gent cau en l'amor en misteriosos camins
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Potser just al tocar una mà
Well me I fall in love with you every single day
Well me I fall in love with you every single day
Bé, jo m'enamoro de tu cada dia
And I just want to tell you I am
And I just want to tell you I am
I just vull dir-te que jo ho estic
So honey now
Carinyo ara
Take me into your loving arms
Take me into your loving arms
Agafa'm de les teves amorosos braços
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Fes-me un petó sota la llum de 200 estrelles
Place your head on my beating heart
Place your head on my beating heart
Posa el teu cor en el meu cor trencat
I'm thinking out loud
I'm thinking out loud
Jo estic pensant en veu alta
Maybe we found love
Maybe we found love
Potser nosaltres hem trobat un amor
Right where we are
Right where we are
Just on nosaltres estem
When my hairs all but gone
Quan tots els meus cabells desapareixin
And my memory fades
And my memory fades
I la meva memoria es destenyeixi
And the crowds don't remember my name
And the crowds don't remember my name
I la multitud no recordi el meu nom
When my hands don't play the strings the same way
Quan les meves mans no segueixin el mateix camí que les cordes
I know you will still love me the same
I know you will still love me the same
Jo se que tu m'estimaràs igual
Because honey your soul could never grow old
Per que carinyo la teva anima mai podria envellir
It's evergreen
It's evergreen
Es de full perenne
And baby your smile is forever
And baby your smile is forever
I carinyo el teu somriure es per sempre
In my mind and memory
In my mind and memory
En la meva ment i memoria
I'm thinking about how
I'm thinking about how
Jo estic pensant sobre com
People fall in love in mysterious ways
People fall in love in mysterious ways
La gent cau en l'amor per misteriosos camins
And maybe it's all part of a plan
And maybe it's all part of a plan
I potser aquesta és la part del plan
I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
Espero que ho entenguis
That baby now
That baby now
que carinyo ara
Take me into your loving arms
Take me into your loving arms
Agafa'm dintre dels teus amorosos braços
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Fes-me un petó sota la llum de 200 estrelles
Place your head on my beating heart
Place your head on my beating heart
Posa el cap al meu cor trencat
I'm thinking out loud
I'm thinking out loud
Jo estic pensant sobre com
Maybe we found love
Maybe we found love
Potser nosaltres trobem l'amor
Right where we are
Right where we are
Bé al lloc on estem
So baby now
Però carinyo ara
Take me into your loving arms
Take me into your loving arms
Agafa'm amb les teves amoroses mans
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Besa'm sota la llum de dos-centes estrelles
Oh darling, place your head on my beating heart
Oh darling, place your head on my beating heart
Oh carinyo, posa el cap a sobre del meu cor trencat
I'm thinking out loud
I'm thinking out loud
Estic pensant sobre com
That maybe we found love right where we are
That maybe we found love right where we are
Pero potser trobem l'amor al lloc on estem
Maybe we found love right where we are
Maybe we found love right where we are
Potser trobem l'amor al lloc on estem
And we found love right where we are
And we found love right where we are
I nosaltres trobem l'amor l'amor al lloc on estem
My experience in Italy
The first day:: The first day we went up at 4 o'clock. At 5.30 we went to Barcelona airport in bus. After we went with the airplane to Pisa. In Pisa I looked the famous 'Leaning Tower of Pisa'. My friends and I lunch in a restaurant of Pisa. We ate a delicious Pizza.
In the afternoon we went to Lucca. Lucca is a very beautiful city. We walk for the city and after went to Montecatini. In Montecatini was the hotel when we sleep. We dinner in the hotel and went to sleep very soon.
The second day: In the second day we went to Florence. I love Florence. We visited 'Santa Maria del Fiore'. We climbed 500 stairs but it was worth it. After we has time to lunch. At 4:00 we made a Gymkhana. At 7 o'clock we come back to the Hotel of Montecatini.We taked a shower and go to restaurant for dinner. After dineer we went to disco. We returned at hotel at 2:30 at night.
The third day: In the tird day we went to Siena. We visited a very beautiful Church. After we have time for dinner and I ate a very delicious and cheap Pizza. After we ate a Ice Cream in a very beautiful place and we past the time in this place.
After we went to Roma of bus. I slept in bus because I so exhausted. We arribed at the hotel. After we went to dinner a restaurant. The dinner are very delicious and after dinner we visited Roma. We arrived at the hotel at 12 of the night.
The fourth day: This day we go to the Vatican City in metro. This they we walk so much. The visited of Vatican last to hours. In my opinion the visited are very beautiful but so long and bored. After we go to Roma on foot. After we has lunch in a diferents restaurants and visited Roma. After we go to the pantheon. At 8 o'clock we went to dinner at self-service in the center of Roma an we visited it lasted late the 12 o'clock. When we arribed at Hotel we are so exhausted, and we go to sleep so quikly.
The fifth day: This they we went to the colisseo, this are so beautiful. Colisseo impressioned me. I think that Colisseo is the best monument of Roma. This day we have in the center of Roma. This day I eat speghetti. The pasta in Italy is delicious, I love it. After I eat a delicious ice-cream. I think this ice-cream are the best of I proved. At the night we went to the board. The board was so big. I talk with my friends every night. At 5 o'clock ot the night I went to sleep.
The sixth day: This day I woke up at 2 o'clock. My friends and I plays cards every day and visited the board. We arribed to Barcelona at 11 o'clock of the night, and we arribed a to Castelló at 1 o'clock at night. I explain my experiencies to my parents and I gave presents to my family.
In the afternoon we went to Lucca. Lucca is a very beautiful city. We walk for the city and after went to Montecatini. In Montecatini was the hotel when we sleep. We dinner in the hotel and went to sleep very soon.
The second day: In the second day we went to Florence. I love Florence. We visited 'Santa Maria del Fiore'. We climbed 500 stairs but it was worth it. After we has time to lunch. At 4:00 we made a Gymkhana. At 7 o'clock we come back to the Hotel of Montecatini.We taked a shower and go to restaurant for dinner. After dineer we went to disco. We returned at hotel at 2:30 at night.
The third day: In the tird day we went to Siena. We visited a very beautiful Church. After we have time for dinner and I ate a very delicious and cheap Pizza. After we ate a Ice Cream in a very beautiful place and we past the time in this place.
After we went to Roma of bus. I slept in bus because I so exhausted. We arribed at the hotel. After we went to dinner a restaurant. The dinner are very delicious and after dinner we visited Roma. We arrived at the hotel at 12 of the night.
The fourth day: This day we go to the Vatican City in metro. This they we walk so much. The visited of Vatican last to hours. In my opinion the visited are very beautiful but so long and bored. After we go to Roma on foot. After we has lunch in a diferents restaurants and visited Roma. After we go to the pantheon. At 8 o'clock we went to dinner at self-service in the center of Roma an we visited it lasted late the 12 o'clock. When we arribed at Hotel we are so exhausted, and we go to sleep so quikly.
The fifth day: This they we went to the colisseo, this are so beautiful. Colisseo impressioned me. I think that Colisseo is the best monument of Roma. This day we have in the center of Roma. This day I eat speghetti. The pasta in Italy is delicious, I love it. After I eat a delicious ice-cream. I think this ice-cream are the best of I proved. At the night we went to the board. The board was so big. I talk with my friends every night. At 5 o'clock ot the night I went to sleep.
The sixth day: This day I woke up at 2 o'clock. My friends and I plays cards every day and visited the board. We arribed to Barcelona at 11 o'clock of the night, and we arribed a to Castelló at 1 o'clock at night. I explain my experiencies to my parents and I gave presents to my family.
Love movie: Sorry if I call you love
The title
A general opinion: good or bad? (2-3 summary)
3-4 line summary with more details
What did you like? (plot, characters, setting, music, effects...)
What didn't you like?
General opinion summary. Should they go and see it? Give your Star Rating:
Sorry if I call you love
In my opinion this movie is very good. For me the love of the characters is true and real. This movie is emotional and entertaining. You can see this movie with you girlfriend, boyfriend or a good friend.
Alex is a man of 30 years and Niki is a girl of 17 years. Niki and Alex met one morning. They remain different times and they fall in love. Niki don't explain she's love story to her parents because the man is very old. Niki change the life sad and monotonous. They go travel and life different experiencies.
The characters of this film are so good, but I like the Italian version of this film. The Spainish version is more short and no explain details.
I don't like the music and effects of this film. I think this film is so good and don't have any more defects.
This film is a perfect film for look an adolescent. Maybe this film don't like an adult, this movie isn't the ideal for an adult. In Star Rating, I put a 3,5 out of 5.
A general opinion: good or bad? (2-3 summary)
3-4 line summary with more details
What did you like? (plot, characters, setting, music, effects...)
What didn't you like?
General opinion summary. Should they go and see it? Give your Star Rating:
Sorry if I call you love
In my opinion this movie is very good. For me the love of the characters is true and real. This movie is emotional and entertaining. You can see this movie with you girlfriend, boyfriend or a good friend.
Alex is a man of 30 years and Niki is a girl of 17 years. Niki and Alex met one morning. They remain different times and they fall in love. Niki don't explain she's love story to her parents because the man is very old. Niki change the life sad and monotonous. They go travel and life different experiencies.
The characters of this film are so good, but I like the Italian version of this film. The Spainish version is more short and no explain details.
I don't like the music and effects of this film. I think this film is so good and don't have any more defects.
This film is a perfect film for look an adolescent. Maybe this film don't like an adult, this movie isn't the ideal for an adult. In Star Rating, I put a 3,5 out of 5.
I think we was born for die, one day we cease to exist. One day, every of my thinks, my words, my problems disappeared. Smile every day is so important, because this day not going to repeat again. Used every of the oportunities that you have. Because one day, went yo are old, you will regret, and this day, you can't back in the time. Dance in the rain, sing in the shower, speak with the beautiful boy of this party... You have to be proud of what you do, and if you are, do something wrong. Live the life, please.
My next summer
This school year has been so long and difficult. I work so much for past the exams for graduate of ESO. This summer is my last summer without working. I want to enjoy this summer to the fullest. I will go to the swimingpool or beach everyday, with my family or friends. I will go to holidays at Madrid and maybe Andalucia. I will go to holidays to Portbou with my friends, and maybe go at camping with they in Empuriabrava. I will go to bicycle with my sister, and Imma, and I will cook a very delicious cake.
Shakespeare 400

Shakespeare died on the 23rd of April of 1616. This year is 400 is the anniversary of his death.
Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-avon, a town in central England, on 23rd of April.
Anne Hathaway the Shakespeare's wife. They get married in 1582 and they had a daughter and twins.
The globe is a theatre in London. In this theatre the people stand up and if people pay more the people can sit. In the theatre trip 2000 persons.
Shakespeare wrotes 37 plays in his life. The most important play is Romeo and Juliet, because is a very beautiful history of love. Anothers plays are: King John, Macbeth, Halmet... The plays of Shakespeare normally was tragedies, comedies, fantasies...
The plague is a disease and this killed thousands of people. This is passed person to person. The theatre had to close for the plague because this is very dangerous because the people can not to be together in a small place. The years of plague Skakespeare wrote 154 sonnets.
In this year Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet, his most important history. This history is romantic and tragedy and is about impossible love finally the two main characters death.
In 1558, a daughter of Henry, Elizabeth, became a queen. Mary, her sister and the queen, died in this year and Elizabeth replaced Mary. In the period when Mary was a queen she tried to make the country Catholic but Elizabeth tried to make the contry Protestant.
Was a enormous fleet sent by Felip II of Spain in 1588 to attack England. Sheakspeare lived in this time.
We know what we are, but know not what we may be
To be or not to be, what is the question
Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
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